St. Joseph Pier Lights | Seeing The Light |
Historical Information
With the construction of the pier light, the Lighthouse Service decided to decommission the 1859 structure, however after much objection from local mariners, the old light remained in service until 1924, when it was officially retired. The building was taken over by the American Red Cross, and served as the local headquarters for the organization until 1954, when the building was sold to the City of St. Joseph. Unfortunately, in 1955 the City demolished the venerable old building in order to create additional parking space. The inner pier light was built in 1907, to serve as a rear range for the existing pierhead tower, allowing vessels to line up accurately on the channel from far out in the Lake. Over a a steel frame, the structure was encased in 3/8 inch steel plates. Twenty-six feet square, the building was capped by an octagonal cast iron lantern room, and equipped with a Fourth Order lens manufactured by Chance Brothers of Birmingham, England. At some point thereafter, this lens was removed from the tower, to be replaced by a Fourth Order Fresnel lens manufactured by Sautter & Cie, of Paris, the lens that remains in the tower to this day.
In 1918, the depot was transferred to the Department of the Navy, housing naval militia and reserve functions for the next 35 years. By 1952 the depot was home to the Army Reserves, and from 1956 to October 1993, it housed the Michigan Army National Guard. Soon after being vacated, the site was placed on the National Historic Register, and on February 29, 1996, three local businessmen purchased the property and opened the Lighthouse Depot Brewpub in September, 1997. Keepers of this Light
Seeing this Light
We ran into the same two Coast Guardsmen that we had seen a couple of hours earlier in Michigan City, and asked them jokingly if they were following us. They said that they were checking the locks on all of the lighthouses up the coast to make sure that they were working properly. It turned out that they were both CG auxiliaries, and that checking locks was their "penance" for the weekend. We decided that the pier would make a great forefront for sunset pictures, and planned to return later that evening.
So it was that we returned later that evening, about an hour before sundown. Unpacking our picnic supper, we ate at the same spot in which we had eaten our lunch earlier. The warm breeze blew off the Lake, and a huge flock of seagulls began wheeling overhead. Naturally, one of the flock felt inclined to relieve himself directly above my left shoulder, splashing onto both the salsa and Sue! Thus the meal ended quickly, and we packed-up to find the perfect spot on the beach to watch the sun go down behind the pier. It turned-out to be a keeper of an evening, as the sun worked it's magic flawlessly, painting the sky and water in an ever-changing array of colors. While we snapped-off a couple of rolls of Fuji 100 film, we noticed a group of people come down to the beach, place flower arrangements in the sand, and then stand around the flowers in a semi-circle, praying. As the sun disappeared, so did they. Sue went to investigate, and reported that they had left more on the beach than flowers, as there were grayish-white ashes spread around the sand where the group had been standing. perhaps we were not as alone on the beach as we had previously believed! We took one last walk along the pier in near darkness, packed-up, and headed home. Finding this
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This page last modified 12/07/2003