Robert H. Manning was a life-long resident of Empire, and as an avid
fisherman, spent as much time as possible indulging his passion for
fishing on Lake Michigan. When returning late in the evenings from such
trips, he had a habit of stating that a lighthouse at Empire would make
his return visits after sunset much easier.
On Robert's death at the age of 62 in 1989, his family and friends felt
that the construction of an Empire Lighthouse dedicated to Robert would
be the most fitting memorial possible, and thus set about the process of
building such a structure.
With the aid of donations from many who knew Robert, their dream came to
fruition in 1990 when the Robert H. Manning Memorial Lighthouse was
lighted for the first time.
The structure is of wooden
construction, with a stucco coating. Bearing detail resemblance to the
tower at Point Betsie, the white tower is capped with a green lantern
room and railing, and features a bright gold ball at the apex of the
lantern room roof.

Seeing this Light

Empire is one of the Great Lakes' historical gems. Consisting of a few
ramshackle buildings, a busy combination gas station and convenience
store and the headquarters of the Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore, the
area's rich historical heritage is not immediately evident. However for
those willing to take the time to ask a few questions and look beyond
the obvious, there are rich rewards to be discovered here.
The lighthouse sits at
the northern end of quiet park sandwiched between the serenity of Glen
Lake and the rolling waves breaking along the beach. About a mile north
of the park, the southern edge of the Sleeping Bear dunes can be seen
pawing the horizon from within the surrounding new growth forest.
We parked our truck in
one of the parking places near the lighthouse, and after admiring the
structure's stark simplicity, ambled through the park. We were
immediately taken by the quiet serenity of the place, shattered only by
the cries of happy children running along the sandy beach as they ran to
avoid the incoming waves.
As we made our way to
the park entrance to the south, we became aware of two large, weather-beaten
concrete piers, one with the remains of rusty bolts encased in its upper
surface. It was plain that they had been here for some time, and we
wondered as to their original purpose.
It was only after we
left the park, and spent some time nosing around town that the nature of
these two silent concrete sentinels to the past became clear. For we discovered
that it was in this location that the mighty Empire Lumber Company Mill
stood. The concrete pier with the rusting bolts once
serving as the foundation for the Mill's main band saw, the other as
the foundation for the Mill's steam engine, and the now idyllic South
Bar Lake functioning as the busy mill's main mill pond!
For while it is
difficult to conceive through today's eyes, Empire was once a major
lumbering center, and it's two long docks, long since rotted into
oblivion, were once filled with vessels being loaded with lumber from
the surrounding forest and the Manitous, bound for the growing cities on
the the Lakes.

Finding this

From the intersection of M72 and M22, go west on Front street, Travel
toward Lake Michigan until the intersection with Lake Street. Take Lake
street North into the Empire Beach park. The memorial lighthouse is
located at the northernmost end of the park.

Reference Sources

observations at Empire on 09/05/1998 and 07/27/00.
Michigan Lighthouses, Laurie, Bill T., Ruth and Bill J. Penrose,
Some Other Day (Remembering Empire), Empire Heritage Group, 1987
Photographs from author's personal collection.