
In making their way between the Manitou Passage and the Straits of
Mackinac, vessel masters made a turn off the northern tip of the Leelanau
Peninsula. Also serving as a marker for vessels turning into Grand
Traverse Bay, the point thus served as an important navigational
marker, and 1849 saw the first recommendation to erect a light on Cat’s
head point in 1849.
Congress Responded with an appropriation of $4,000 for building the
new lighthouse on September 28, 1850. Construction began in the spring
of 1852, and was completed late that year. Built on low ground close
to the water’s edge, the station structures were likely typical of Great
Lakes lighthouses during the period, consisting of a squat rubble stone tower outfitted with an array of Lewis lamps, and a
simple detached keepers dwelling. David Moon was appointed as the
station’s first keeper, and with his name appearing on district
payroll records for the first time on September 7, it is likely that
he exhibited the new light for the first time soon thereafter.
However, it would appear that Moon was ill-suited for the rigors of
lighthouse keeping, as he
resigned from lighthouse service before his second season at the
light, to be replaced by the indomitable Philo Beers on April 15,
1853. Beer’s previous service as a US Deputy appears to have come in
handy, as the lighthouse was reportedly raided on a number of
occasions by Mormon Pirates. Followers of James Jesse Strang, the
self-proclaimed King of Beaver Island, these pirates were reputed to
consider themselves above common law, and as such felt free to avail
themselves of anything they needed by raiding from area
"Gentiles," as were non-believers were known. On one
occasion, it is reported that Beers managed to drive off a group of
Mormons who attempted to remove the station's Fresnel lens for
installation on Beaver Island.
As was frequently the case with Lighthouses erected under the
fiscally tight-fisted Pleasonton administration, it appears that a
combination of poor construction and an ill-advised location quickly
took their toll on the structure, as after only five years of service
the foundation of the tower was found the be eroding. With concern
that structure was close to collapse, funds were requested for
complete replacement of the buildings with a more substantial
The old tower and dwelling were demolished in 1858, and a work on a
new structure began on higher ground on the point. Over that summer a
dirt-floored cellar with rubble stone walls was excavated and a
two-story Cream City Brick keepers dwelling took shape. A short square
wooden tower with white painted clapboard siding was integrally
mounted at the center of the roof ridge, and both floors contained
four rooms, with a centrally located entryway with stairs connecting
the two floors. A narrower second set of stairs on the second floor
led through the attic into the tower. The building featured
first-class construction, with hardwood floors throughout and
varnished wooden trim and wainscoting. Atop the tower, a cast iron
lantern with copper sheathed roof contained a new fixed white Fifth
Order Fresnel lens illuminated with a sperm oil fueled lamp. With its
ventilator ball standing 48 feet above the structure’s foundation,
the building’s location on high ground provided a focal plane of 103
feet, and a range of visibility of 12 miles in clear weather.
Life at the Grand Traverse Light station settled into a routine,
with no mention of any repairs appearing in official documents until
1869, when the Eleventh District Inspector reported the station in
good condition with the exception of some of the woodwork and doors,
which had shrunk considerably as a result of the use of improperly
seasoned lumber in their construction. A work crew arrived at the
station the following year and effected the necessary repairs, and in
testimonial to the increasingly important role played by the station,
the District Lampist arrived to upgrade the lens to a larger fixed
white lens of the Fourth Order.
1880 saw the erection of a wood shed, the pouring of a concrete
floor in the cellar, and a complete repainting of the building and to
provide housing for the keeper’s horse and feed, a two story barn 18
feet wide by 24 feet in length was erected.
In the early days of the US lighthouse service, lard and sperm oil
ware used for fueling the lamps, and being relatively non-volatile,
the oil was stored in cellar of the main lighthouse. With a change to
the significantly more volatile kerosene, a number of devastating
dwelling fires were experienced throughout the system in the 1880’s
and the Lighthouse Board began building separate oil storage buildings
at all US light stations. To this end, the lighthouse tender AMARANTH
arrived at Grand Traverse late in 1895 and offloaded the materials for
a brick oil storage building which was erected the following spring.
With increasing numbers of vessels rounding the point on their
journey to and from the Straits, mariners became increasingly
dependent on the Grand Traverse Light to mark the turn. With thick
fogs frequently blanketing the area, the Lighthouse Board recommended
that an appropriation of $5,500 be made to cover the costs of such an
installation in its 1895 annual report, and Congress responded with
the necessary appropriation on July 1, 1898. Plans and specifications
for the structure were finalized over the winter, and contracts
awarded for the construction materials and signal machinery on January
10, 1899. A work crew and materials were delivered at the station late
that summer, and by November the brick building was complete and work
turned to the installation of the fog signal plant. The boilers and
machinery were moved into the building and plumbed to the ten-inch
locomotive whistle which protruded from the lakeward end wall of the
building. Work continued through the end of the year, with the signal
officially placed into service on December 20.
With the establishment of the fog signal, it was determined that
the workload at Grand Traverse would be more than a single keeper
could handle, and the decision was made to add a First Assistant
Keeper at the station. However, with the main lighthouse building
being designed for a single family, additional accommodations were
needed. Thus, in 1901 the dwelling was significantly enlarged and
remodeled to convert the dwelling into a duplex with accommodations
for two families.
1904 was likely a memorable years for the Grand Traverse keepers,
as they split and loaded 49 cords of wood into the boilers in order to
keep the ten-inch whistle screaming for a station record 318 hours.
The boilers and whistle in the fog signal were removed in 1933, and
replaced by a Type "F" diaphone fog signal, its air
compressor powered by diesel engines. The diesel engines were in turn
replaced by a 440-volt Worthington air compressor in 1953. Coast Guard
crews continued to maintain the station until 1972, when the tower
light was replaced by an automated beacon mounted on a steel skeletal
The Lighthouse and Fog Signal Building stood vacant after closing,
until 1985 when a local group organized the Grand Traverse Lighthouse
Foundation with a goal of preserving the historic buildings and
creating an interesting and educational "living lighthouse"
for the public to enjoy. After two years of renovation, the Lighthouse
Foundation reopened the station as a museum on Memorial Day in 1987.